REGEN Collagen - 300g

Improve joint, ligament and tendon health with REGEN type II collagen.

Derived from pure, pasture-raised, non-genetically modified Brazilian cattle and supported by the SPORT Protect programme.

Clinically validated collagen ingredients, TENDOFORTE® and FORTIGEL®, for improved mobility and optimised connective tissue function.

With no artificial flavours or added sugars, it's a natural, pain-free way to achieve improved mobility and optimised connective tissue function.

Compliant with NF EN 1744 anti-doping standards, it is supported by the SPORT Protect programme.
Make REGEN part of your routine and regain your freedom of movement with improved joint health.

REGEN is a revolutionary collagen peptide supplement that incorporates two award-winning, scientifically-backed collagen ingredients - TENDOFORTE® and FORTIGEL®. Specifically designed to improve joint, ligament and tendon health, REGEN is sourced from 100% pure, pathologically-bred, non-genetically modified Brazilian cattle, guaranteeing quality and purity. With no artificial flavours or added sugars, this product is your gateway to improved joint mobility and optimised connective tissue function.

This combination promotes the regeneration of cartilage within cartilage, contributing to improved joint function, reduced discomfort and better overall joint health.

This combination promotes the regeneration of cartilage within cartilage, contributing to improved joint function, reduced discomfort and better overall joint health.

From the age of 25, the quality and quantity of collagen produced by the body gradually decline. After the age of 40, collagen synthesis decreases by 1% per year, and by the age of 80, the body's collagen composition may be 75% lower than that of a young adult. This physiological deterioration is closely linked to age, genetic factors and environmental factors such as exposure to the sun, pollution, free radicals induced by poor sporting practices, unhealthy diet, tobacco, alcohol and disease.

When supplementing with hydrolysed collagen, it is not a question of taking 'pieces of collagen' to replace collagen that is failing, but of providing natural hydrolysed collagen molecules that stimulate the cellular signalling pathways responsible for collagen production. by our own body.

As the most abundant protein in the human body, collagen, particularly type II collagen, is essential for the integrity of various connective tissues such as cartilage. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, impacting joint health and potentially leading to problems such as reduced cartilage function.

Type II collagen supplementation becomes essential to support and maintain cartilage health and flexibility, ensuring optimal joint function and general wellbeing.

Directions for use:
Take 10g to 20g daily at any time that best suits your routine.

PREFERRED PRICE: In the morning, with breakfast, or in the evening, preferably with meals. After your training session.

DIRECTIONS: Mix into: a glass of water with a splash of lemon juice. plant-based milk. fruit or legume juice. a smoothie. gazpacho. in your isolated whey shaker.

The ingredients:
REGEN is a revolutionary collagen peptide supplement that incorporates two scientifically-backed and award-winning powerhouse ingredients - TENDOFORTE® and FORTIGEL®.

TENDOFORTE® is an exclusive collagen ingredient. It is specially designed to support the health of tendons, which are strong, flexible bands of tissue that run from muscle to bone. TENDOFORTE® is a type of collagen peptide, which are small proteins derived from collagen.

FORTIGEL® is designed to support joint health, particularly by promoting the well-being of cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible, rubbery tissue that covers the ends of the bones in the joints, providing a smooth surface for joint movement and acting as a cushion between the bones. As with tendons, the natural ageing process and various lifestyle factors can influence the production and quality of collagen in cartilage, leading to problems such as joint discomfort and reduced flexibility.

This combination promotes cartilage regeneration in cartilage, contributing to improved joint function, reduced discomfort and better overall joint health.

Recommended Sales Price : 39.99 €

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